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Special Populations Home

Special Populations

Welcome to the Rapoport Ravens Special Populations Department web page! This page is committed to our students who are served through special education, Section 504, English as a Second Language, and RTI (Response to Intervention) or for those who may be eligible for services in one of these areas. Through these various programs, we strive to provide services that allow all students with disabilities or language acquisition needs to access the same curriculum as their peers.


§504 Child Find Notice
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate, and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students.  For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification, evaluation, and placement into Section 504 programs, please contact the District’s Section 504 Coordinator, Christina Fuller, at (254) 754-8000.


Aviso Sobre La Identificación de Estudiantes Incapacitados bajo la Sección 504
Bajo la Sección 504 del Decreto de Rehabilitación de 1973, el Distrito Escolar esta obligado a identificar, referir, evaluar, y proporcionar servicios educativos apropriados y gratuitos a estudiantes incapacitados que califican para recibir servicios bajo esta ley. Si usted desea mas información sobre los derechos de padres de niños incapacitados, o si tiene preguntas sobre la identificación, evaluación, y colocación de niños en el programa de Sección 504, favor de ponerse in contacto con el Coordinador de 504 del Distrito, Christina Fuller, al numero (254) 754-8000.

Contact Information

Smiling lady wearing floral dress and a black jacket

Christina Fuller


(254)754-8000 ext 7001

Special Populations District Staff

Special Education Required Postings

Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex)

SPEDTex logo

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:

Phone: 1-855-773-3839  |  Email: | Live Chat: spedtex website


Texas Legal Framework

The Texas Legal Framework logo

The purpose of the project is to provide and maintain an updated web-based platform to assist stakeholders such as local educational agencies (LEAs), advocates, and parents in learning about state and federal laws and regulations by providing rich resources regarding obligations and rights for the provision of a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to students with disabilities. Learn more >


Student Handbook Statement 

Texas Transition and Employment Guide 

SB 139 Notice to Families 

IDEA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and Section 504 

Compensatory Services 

Dyslexia Handbook 2021